Patriot News Outlet
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The Patriot News Outlet Community is for conservative republicans who still believe in the ideals of our
Constitutional Republic.

This community is an extension of our social presence giving our faithful followers choices in where to consume our content.

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President Donald J. Trump — Free Speech Policy Initiative

If we don’t have FREE SPEECH, then we just don’t have a FREE COUNTRY. It’s as simple as that. If this most fundamental right is allowed to perish, then the rest of our rights and liberties will topple…

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A Christmas Message from the President and First Lady.
WATCH LIVE: President Trump's Save America Rally, Delaware Ohio | Sat. April 23, 7PM EDT
WATCH LIVE: President Trump's, Save America Rally, Selma NC | Tonight 7PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally in Selma, North Carolina, on Saturday, April 9, 2022, at 7:00PM EDT.

Saturday, April 9, 2022, at 7:00PM EDT President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in support of Ted Budd, Candidate for U.S. Senate, and other endorsed candidates.

Venue: The Farm at 95 215 Batten Road Selma, NC 27576

Timeline of Events: 8:00AM – Parking and Line Opens 2:00PM – Doors Open and Entertainment Begins 4:00PM – Pre-program Speakers Deliver Remarks 7:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks.

August 14, 2024

Finally a member! ❤️

August 08, 2024

Awesome Channel! Love the content, Mods, and Music!

May 28, 2024

Good Morning Ya’ll
Not going be surprised with anything today!
Make yourself a Great Day!

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